United Nations: The Palestinians cast a UN General Assembly vote for the first time and claimed the moment as a new step in their quest for full recognition by the global body.
Most of the 193 members of the General Assembly applauded Palestinian ambassador Riyad Mansour as he voted yesterday for a judge on the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. The Palestinians became observer state members of the United Nations on November 29 last year. The mission cannot vote on UN resolutions, but under UN rules, it and other observers such as the Vatican can vote in elections for judges on international courts.
"This is an important step in our march for freedom and independence and full membership of the United Nations," Mansour told the Assembly. "I think that this is a very, very special moment in the history of the struggle of the Palestinian people at the United Nations," he told reporters after the meeting.
Mansour acknowledged it was a "symbolic" vote, but said: "It is an important one because it reflects that the international community, particularly the General Assembly, is hungry and waiting for the state of Palestine to become a full member of the United Nations."
"I felt so proud ... That on behalf of all the Palestinian people, and our leadership, that I was privileged to have that special moment, of putting on behalf of our entire nation that ballot in the box."
Israeli Deputy UN Ambassador David Roet complained to the meeting that Mansour should have celebrated the vote outside the assembly and was "trying to hijack" attention at the election.
"Israel maintains its position that the Palestinian Authority is not a state and the Palestinian Authority fails to meet the criteria for statehood," added Roet, who insisted that the Palestinian vote did not change its statehood bid.
Israel and the United States have lobbied strongly against UN recognition of the Palestinians, arguing that a separate state can only be achieved through direct bilateral negotiations to end the decades old Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
But the Palestinians have joined UNESCO, the UN cultural agency, and voted there, in addition to winning historic observer recognition in the UN General Assembly.
Israel and the United States withdrew funding from UNESCO because it allowed Palestinian membership and last week they lost their voting rights on the body.