London: Amid the rising condemnation over Kremlin`s aerial campaign in Syria, Russia has rejected accusations that it committed war crimes by targeting hospitals in the warzone nation."We categorically do not accept such statements, the more so as every time those making these statements are unable to prove their unfounded accusations in any way," a spokesman for Vladimir Putin was quoted as saying by the Guardian.


France and Turkey have said that the strikes on two locations by forces supporting Syrian president Bashar al-Assad amounted to war crimes.

Turkey`s foreign ministry has accused Russia of carrying out an "obvious war crime" and warned that serious consequences would be inevitable if Russia did not end such attacks."If Russia continues behaving like a terrorist organisation and forcing civilians to flee, we will deliver an extremely decisive response," Turkish Prime Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu.

The international charity Medecins Sans Frontieres said that 11 people died, including five staff members, a caretaker and five patients including a child, in the airstrikes on a facility it supports.