Nay Pyi Taw: Severe flooding has hit Myanmar`s Rakhine state, affecting over 6,000 people since Tuesday, officials said on Friday.


Triggered by torrential rain, two river banks of Laymyo and Kaladan bursted, affecting 64 wards and villages in Kyauktaw, Mrauk-U, Myebon and Minbya townships, Xinhua news agency reported.

People residing in the low-lying areas were evacuated to higher grounds and sheltered at monasteries.

Tide level started to rise on Monday with increased heavy rain on Tuesday pushing the rivers to burst, submerging the areas.

A total of 204 high and middle schools were under water, causing traffic delay on Yangon-Sittway highway.

The flooding in Rakhine state has also ruined many shrimp ponds, destroying the fences protecting the ponds, other reports said.

In Minbya alone, 2,935 hectares of shrimp farms or 99 per cent of them have been flooded, devastating the shrimp industry with loss beyond estimation.