Washington: A top US lawmaker on Tuesday said he was dismayed by the Obama Administration's decision to sell eight F-16 fighter jets to Pakistan despite the country's support for terrorism.


"I am dismayed by US F-16 sale even after all the evil the ISI has done and all the (PAK)istan supported terrorism and repression," said Congressman Dana Rohrabacher.

"The Pakistani government is "corrupt" and "brutally oppressive," he said in a tweet.

The "murder of Baloch" and "support for terrorism (is) despicable", Rohrabacher said.

The US State Department notified on Feburuary 13 the Congress that it had made a determination approving a possible sale of F-16 Block 52 Aircraft, equipment, training, and logistics support worth nearly USD 700 million to Pakistan despite mounting opposition from influential lawmakers from both the Republican and Democratic parties.

 India summoned US Ambassador Richard Verma to convey its "displeasure and disappointment" over the decision.

India disagreed with the US' rationale that such arms transfers help Pakistan in combating terrorism and believes the US military aid to Pakistan goes into anti-India activities.