Beirut: At least 6,455 people have been killed by the United States-led international coalition against the Islamic State in Syria since operations began on September 23, 2014, media reports said on Wednesday.


According to the latest figures released by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), the coalition bombings wounded hundreds of people, mostly IS militants in various Syrian provinces, Efe news agency reported.

The fatalities included at least 700 civilians, of which 169 were minors and 106 were women.

The IS suffered at least 5,506 fatalities, including some of its leaders such as Abu Omar al-Shishani, Abu Hija al-Tunisi and Abu Osama al-Iraqi.

The coalition aircraft also killed 141 members of Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, the formerly al-Qaida-affiliated Nusra Front.

The coalition also killed 90 combatants from Syrian regime troops in attacks on the outskirts of the northeastern Syrian city of Deir al-Zour.

The SOHR did not rule out that the number of deaths among IS militants could be greater than they reported due to the difficulty in documenting the casualties in IS-controlled territory.