Philadelphia: Describing Hillary Clinton as the "most qualified" candidate to succeed Barack Obama in the White House, top Democratic women lawmakers have said the country is "ready to make history" by electing her as the next president of the US.


"They (Clinton-Kaine) will win in November. We will fight to restore Democratic majorities in the Senate and the House, and I tell you this: We can do it," Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, who was the first ever woman speaker of the US House of Representatives, yesterday said in her address to the Democratic National Convention here.

"Are you ready to work for a great Democratic victory? Are you ready to make history, electing Hillary Clinton President of the United States? I thought so. Onward to victory!" Pelosi said.

Addressing thousands of delegates, Pelosi said they are approaching a milestone moment in the American journey ? the election of the first woman President of the United States.

"Hillary Clinton knows that this moment is not just about one woman's achievement. It's about what electing a woman President will mean for achieving the dreams and hopes and aspirations of every woman, every daughter, every son, and every family, all across our land, for generations to come," she said.

"This moment is about the landmark progress President Hillary Clinton will achieve for families everywhere yearning for a better life, a better chance, in a better America. Hillary Clinton has a vision rooted in deeply held values," Pelosi said.

"She has a genuine strength that differs profoundly from her opponent's bluster. She has a gift for strategic thinking, seasoned by knowledge and experience. And she has a connection to hard-working American families forged in her lifetime of leadership and service to others," Pelosi said.

Earlier several top Democratic woman lawmakers urged Americans to help them elect the first female president of the US.