Washington: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has warned that his team would soon release "significant" material about US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, with 75 days left before voters pick a new president.


Assange told Fox News that Clinton might be forced to respond to his remarks.

He promised that it would "absolutely" come out before the November 4 election.

His team was "working round the clock" on "a lot of material" from the Clinton election campaign -- and his findings were "significant", Assange said on Thursday.

He also declined to elaborate what it was that WikiLeaks would be releasing, but that "thousands of pages" of material were being read through at the moment by his team.

Those documents came from "various institutions connected to the election campaign", he said.

Assange added that there were "some quite unexpected angles that are quite interesting -- some even entertaining".

"I think it's significant," he said. "Ah, you know, it depends on how it catches fire in the public and in the media," he added when Fox news asked whether the information could be a "game-changer" for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

Assange also said that his team was taking pains to check the veracity of the data so they wouldn't spoil, what he called, a "perfect ten-year record".

As proof of his form, he pointed to his team's leaking of documents ahead of the Democratic National Convention that showed negative talk about then-candidate Bernie Sanders among DNC staff.

That ultimately led to DNC officials resigning, including chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Assange, who was speaking from an undisclosed location as he still faces extradition to Sweden for alleged sexual assaults in 2010, refused to specify exactly when the information would be released, the Daily Mail reported.