Bollywood Actor Varun Dhawan shared a fan moment video of his interaction with former WWE wrestler Triple H on his official Instagram. The WWE icon announced his in-ring retirement in March 2022. Varun called the legendary WWE superstar as one of his "all-time favourite WWE super star".


In the video, Varun can be seen talking to the WWE legend about how he also wanted to become a entertainment wrestler.

"Honestly I'm a die-hard fan of wrestling and if you ever need me for anything, I can spread the word and you'll be amaze to see how many people will show. I wanted to go out there, but it's too late for me now," said Varun. In reply, Triple H said " If we open something up I will ask you for sure."

Notably, Varun met the legendary WWE superstar during his live tour in India, back in 2017.

Triple is one of the most famous and greatest name in the professional wrestling business. The legend made his last in-ring appearance at the WWE's flagship event, WrestleMania.