New Delhi: Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan made waves on the intenet after he shared a photo informing his fans that he took a lift from an unknown person on his two-wheeler to reach his work location on time. The superstar also shared a 'thank you' note for the person giving him a ride on social media. And now, Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma was seen taking a bike ride with her bodyguard after a roadblock. A video of the same is getting viral on the internet with netizens questioning the actors for not wearing helmets while riding the bike. 


Soon after Big B's picture and Anushka's videos surfaced on the Internet, netizens were seen tagging Mumbai Police and informed it about actors violating traffic rules. 

"What about helmets dude?" asked a social media user. 

"Na madam ne helmet pehena hai na uske bodyguard ne," pointed out another.

Sharing Anushka's video, a user wrote, "@MumbaiPolice No helmet?" In reply, they informed that they have shared the same with the traffic branch.

Some social media users also tagged the Mumbai Police with Amitabh Bachchan's photo sitting on a bike without a helmet. A user wrote, "Missing helmets for both rider and pillion. @MumbaiPolice please take note!" 

Amitabh Bachchan recently resumed his work after recovering from his injury he incurred during the shoot on the sets of his upcoming project 'Project K'. Directed by Nag Ashwin, the film also stars Prabhas, Deepika Padukone and Disha Patani in key roles. It is slated to release in January 2024. 

Big B also has Ribhu Dasgupta's next courtroom drama, 'Section 84'. He will also feature in Tiger Shroff and Kriti Sanon's 'Ganapath'.

On the other hand, Anushka, who was last seen in 'Zero' alongside Shah Rukh Khan and Katrina Kaif, is all set to return to films with 'Chakda 'Xpress'. It will be her first film after her daughter Vamika's birth.