New Delhi: While the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is probing the death case of Sushant Singh Rajput, every day there is a new development exposing people who claimed to be close to the late actor. In a shocking twist to the mystery, actress and girlfriend of Sushant, Rhea Chakraborty's WhatsApp chat has hinted at a possible drug conspiracy. 


The deleted WhatsApp chats were reportedly retrieved and unfold the conversation between Rhea and Gaurav Arya - the man who is allegedly a drug dealer. The Enforcement Directorate (ED) investigation in Sushant's case has revealed details about Rhea's conversation about drugs in WhatsApp chat. It is likely that that the CBI team can join hands with ED in order to analyze the data of Rhea's phone.

After this sensational exposé, it has been learnt that the CBI will question Sushant's flatmate Siddharth Pithani, cook Neeraj, house manager Samuel Miranda, staff Deepesh Sawant. 

All of these close to Sushant and Rhea while they stayed together, therefore, the CBI will quiz them over this new-found drug controversy. 

If at all this stands true then questions will arise: 

- Since how long were the drugs being consumed?
- Was it consumed on a daily basis or only during parties?
-Who all took drugs?
- Was any of the staff involved in arranging drugs?
-When was the last time that drugs were consumed?

The CBI may ask these questions to the people who stayed with Sushant at his Bandra pad where he was found dead on June 14.