New Delhi: Bollywood actress Bhumi Pednekar has been making several outings in her glam avatar. And now she will be taking a brief vacay during this holiday season, reportedly. The stunner has had her hands full with 7 films on the floors and shoots all around India and overseas. Having had to work non-stop since the pandemic-related lockdowns lifted Bhumi will travel to Mexico with her friends for a fun-filled New Year celebration.


Bhumi has a mighty slate of 7 films, including Govinda Naam Mera, that releases in the next 12 months. Her line-up includes Anubhav Sinha’s Bheed, Ajay Bahl’s The Ladykiller, Sudhir Mishra’s Afwaa, Gauri Khan produced Bhakshak, Mudassar Aziz’s Mere Husband Ki Biwi and a couple of more unannounced projects that will push the bar for cinema.

As 2022 wraps up she is looking to unwind and relax with friends whom she hasn’t seen for some time.