New Delhi: Popular television and Bollywood actress Ankita Lokhande, dressed in traditional Marathi style along with her mother Vandana Lokhande performed the Mahalaxmi puja at home during Ganesh Chaturthi festival. The mother-daughter duo welcomed the Gauri-Ganpati idols home and performed all the rituals as per Maharashtrian tradition. 


Every year, the Lokhande household welcomes Gauri-Ganpati to their abode during the Ganpati festivity. Ankita took to her social media handles and shared the videos: 

Mahalaxmi puja or the Jyeshtha Gauri Puja is performed during Ganesh Chaturthi festival and holds utmost significance for the devotees. 

However, the rituals may differ from region-to-region as India is a vast land home to multiple ethnicities and cultures. In Maharashtra, Gauri Ganpati, as it is popularly known, is celebrated with much gusto and vigour. 

This year, Gauri Avahana will be on August 25 and the puja will be performed on August 26 respectively. 

The Visarajan ceremony will be on August 27, 2020. 

Here's wishing all our readers a very happy Gauri Ganpati puja!