Mumbai: Actor Anupam Kher has shared pictures with Amitabh Bachchan, Shahrukh Khan and Rani Mukherjee as he celebrated Diwali with them. Anupam took to his Instagram handle and posted adorable pictures with a sweet thank you note. Anupam posted a couple of pictures with his `Uunchai` co-actor Amitabh Bachchan where he could be seen wearing a red checked kurta while Big B donned a yellow kurta with a light colour dupatta.


Thanking Big B, he wrote, "Thank you #Amitji, #JayaJi, #Abhishek and #Aishwarya for a wonderful #Deepawali experience at your place. It was great to have some festive time with you all! Love and prayers always. #ShubhDeepawali #Festival." Here is the post shared by the actor:

In another post, he shared photos with Rani where Rani opted for a black kurta with golden embroidery and red sharara."Thank you dearest Rani and Adi for your hospitality and warmth! It was great to spend some time with you and our friends! I LOVED your home Rani. It is beautiful! Love and prayers always! #Diwali #Love #Festival," he captioned the post. Here is the post:

Anupam also met his `dearest friend` with actor Shahrukh Khan. SRK looks handsome in a black kurta. Calling this meeting a `Diwali Bonaza`, he wrote, "Diwali bonanza! Met my dearest friend #Shahrukh after a very long time. He was as always loving, caring, respectful, compassionate and of course charming! May God give him all the happiness in the world!@iamsrk #DDLJ #Friend #Love." Here is the post:

Meanwhile, on the work front, Anupam will be seen in `Kuch Khatta Ho Jaay`. Apart from this, he will also be seen in `Emergency`, `Uunchai` and `The Signature` among several others.