New Delhi: From time to time, celebrities attend events wearing the same outfit. Friday was no exception as Bollywood divas Anushka Sharma and Kriti Sanon served twinning and winning goals, however, at different venues. Anushka made her Cannes red carpet debut in an off-shoulder ivory Richard Quinn couture gown. Interestingly, on the same day, Kriti marked a stunning appearance at IIFA ROCKS 2023 green carpet wearing the exact same dress as Anushka, but it was in black colour.


Coincidentally, the duo opted for a similar hairdo. Anushka and Kriti elevated their look with a sleek hair bun. No official announcement was made about Anushka Sharma's Cannes debut but earlier this month, Emmanuel Lenin, the French Ambassador to India, revealed she would be at the film festival in a tweet. 

"A pleasure meeting Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma! I wished Virat and Team India all the best for the upcoming tournaments, and discussed Anushka's trip to Cannes Film Festival," he wrote after meeting Anushka and Virat at the French Embassy in New Delhi.

Speaking of Anushka and Kriti's upcoming films, the actresses have plenty of projects in their kitty. Anushka will be seen in 'Chakda Xpress'. Directed by Prosit Roy, 'Chakda Xpress' is a sports biopic based on the life of former Indian cricketer Jhulan Goswami, which will stream exclusively on Netflix. The final release date of the film is still awaited. The 'Ae Dil Hai Mushkil' actor will be portraying the role of a cricketer for the first time in her career.

Anushka's brother Karnesh Sharma will be producing 'Chakda Xpress' with his home production company Clean Slate Filmz. The film marks the actor's comeback after her last release 'Zero' in 2018 with Shah Rukh Khan and Katrina Kaif.
On the other hand, Kriti will be seen romancing Shahid Kapoor in a yet-to-be-titled film. She also has 'Ganapath' along with Tiger Shroff.