New Delhi: Bollywood actress-model Malaika Arora's father Anil Arora, has reportedly died of suicide on September 11, 2024. Initial reports suggest that he jumped off the terrace of their residence around 9 am today. It has been learnt that Malaika, who was in Pune has rushed for Mumbai.


ANI took to Twitter (formerly known as X) and wrote: Maharashtra | Father of actress-model Malaika Arora died by suicide by jumping off a terrace. Police team is present at the spot: Mumbai Police

Last year in July, Anil Arora was admitted to a hospital in Mumbai. The actress, along with her mother Joyce was spotted at the hospital. However, the reason for his admission was unknown. Anil Arora, was a Punjabi Hindu from the Indian border town of Fazilka who worked in the Indian Merchant Navy.

This is a developing story. More details are awaited.