New Delhi: The women's wing of Goa Forward Party has filed a complaint against actress Poonam Pandey for allegedly shooting a "porn video" at Goa's Chapoli Dam. An FIR has also been lodged against an unknown person for shooting the video in question. 


"We would like to draw your attention towards allegedly porn video starring actress Poonam Pandey which is being circulated over social media in the state. This video is a sort of assault on Goan Women and has tarnished the image of Goa. The shooting of this porn video is done at Chapoli dam Canacona, which has shocked the people of Canacona, which is famous for its culture," read an excerpt from the copy of the complaint filed by the women's wing of Goa Forward Party with the Goa Police.

According to Superintendent of Police (South Goa) Pankaj Singh, an offence had been registered against unknown persons under section 294 (obscenity) of the Indian Penal Code.

Earlier in September, Poonam Pandey featured in headlines for the domestic violence case she filed against husband Sam Bombay. She claimed that he molested, threatened and assaulted her. 

The incident happened in Goa, where she was shooting for a film. Sam was then arrested. However, he was granted conditional bail a day later.

Poonam Pandey and Sam Bombay, a producer, married in a private ceremony earlier in September. The couple took to social media to announced their wedding with a few pictures from the ceremony.