New Delhi: The Nykaa Femina Beauty Awards, hosted on Tuesday evening in Mumbai, was attended by some A-listers of Bollywood who walked on the red carpet in their stylish best. Actresses like Deepika Padukone, Anushka Sharma, Katrina Kaif, Ananya Panday, Alaia Furniturewalla, Aditi Rao Hydari, Rakul Preet Singh, Shruti Haasan and many more added to the glamour quotient of the star-studded event.


Deepika Padukone was a femme fatale in a black off-shoulder gown by Yanina Couture. The outfit had a plunging neck and a mermaid cut, which added to the oomph. She paired her OOTD with statement diamond jewellery. 

Deepika dedicated her award to Laxmi Agarwal and all the acid attack survivors, "who on the most incredible journey have shown what beauty truly means."

Anushka Sharma picked a black and golden metallic outfit with a plunging neckline, ruffled sleeves and asymmetrical cut for the award night. She accessorised her look with a pair of earrings.

Katrina Kaif was a sight to behold in a white thigh-high slit dress by Alex Perry. Her sparkling earrings added to the style statement.

Ananya Panday was dressed to impress in a lavender short dress by Amit Aggarwal. She won the 'Exciting Fresh Face' Award.

Here's what the other stars wore at the event.

(Images Courtesy: Yogen Shah)

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