New Delhi: The very talented Bhumi Pednekar is also an environmentally conscious citizen who has taken up climate conservation as a cause to raise awareness among fellow Indians. Bhumi has launched an initiative called Climate Warrior through which she is mobilising citizens of India to contribute towards protecting the environment. 


The actress, who has developed a small, sustainable garden with her mother at her home, feels sustainable farming should be taught as a subject in schools.

“Today, I wish I had learned more about growing and farming in school. We have no understanding of how to nurture and grow plant, grains and crop. It’s taken me a lot of reading and studying of something that should be knowledge received at a lower education level,” feels the actress.

“I really believe that studying our fauna and the cultivation of it should be taught at school so that for the future generations can actually practice farming and growing, as opposed to feeling it’s something very complex and tough and only meant for farmer,” adds Bhumi.

“Becoming one with nature is therapeutic and makes you empathetic and a more mature, responsible individual. Thus, if it’s started with young adults, I feel it will be very beneficial,” says Bhumi.