Mumbai: Aman Gupta, the co-founder of boAt Lifestyle, recently made waves with his comments about a Bollywood actor’s alleged arrogance. Speaking with Anupam Mittal on the Dostcast YouTube channel, Gupta shared his experience with an actor who, despite having a public image of being humble, reportedly displayed arrogance behind the scenes.


In a viral clip that garnered 1.4 million views, Gupta said, “There was an actor who was our brand ambassador. He was so full of himself… and in the news, I would read about how sweet he was. ‘Look how nicely he talks to reporters. See how well he interacts with the media. Oh, look, he’s travelling in economy class.’ But with us, he would show so much arrogance.”

Gupta further explained, “Over time, the world starts to understand. I believe the Indian public is very smart. They figure out who is real, who is genuinely humble, who is actually arrogant, who has an ego, and who is full of pride.”

The comments quickly sparked speculation among social media users about which Bollywood actor could be the subject of Gupta’s remarks. Some fans suggested Kartik Aaryan, citing his well-known image of being humble and travelling in economy class, while others pointed fingers at Ranveer Singh, known for his larger-than-life persona. There were also suggestions that the actor in question could be Diljit Dosanjh.




Which actor is he talking about being rude 
byuShabudanakhichdi inBollyBlindsNGossip

One user commented, “That is Kartik Aaryan. That was the news that he is so humble that he is travelling in economy.” However, another user countered, “Kartik Aaryan is really sweet… I’ve seen him for 30 minutes, and he kept giving selfies. I felt bad for him.”

While the identity of the actor remains unclear, the speculation has sparked a wider debate on how public personas can sometimes mask underlying attitudes. Gupta’s comments have given fans and industry insiders plenty to think about, as they try to unravel which Bollywood star might have mastered the art of appearing humble while allegedly displaying a different side behind closed doors.