New Delhi: Actress Malavika Mohanan recently took to X (formerly Twitter) to share her excitement about the upcoming Pushpa 2: The Rule. In a lively conversation with her fans, Malavika expressed her admiration for the film's lead star, Allu Arjun. She wrote, "I was blown away by how fantastic Allu Arjun was in Pushpa. His swag, his style, his dance... uff! Looking forward to #Pushpa2! #Thaggedele time!"


Her heartfelt praise quickly caught the attention of fans, highlighting Allu Arjun's incredible screen presence. In a sweet exchange, Allu Arjun himself responded to Malavika’s praise in the comments, saying, “Thank you dear. Hope you all like it,” further building anticipation for the film's release.

Directed by Sukumar, Pushpa 2: The Rule features Allu Arjun, Rashmika Mandanna, and Fahadh Faasil. The film, produced by Mythri Movie Makers and Sukumar Writings with music by T-Series, is set to release on December 5, 2024.