New Delhi: The up-and-coming homegrown social media platform, Khul Ke has been making waves in the digital space, ever since its inception. Headed by the Founder, and CEO, of Loktantra Mediatech, Piyush Kulshreshtha, the networking platform is a space for netizens to express themselves without a bar, and edutain themselves, and others. While users from across India have started to take notice, celebrities too can’t stop themselves to explore the magic. The platform has witnessed conversations from MP Jairam Ramesh, Vivek Agnihotri, Neha Bhasin, Makarand Deshpande, Justice S.N. Dhingra.


Industry stalwarts like Ayaz Memon have their show on the platform where he discusses and covers significant and trending topics in his field of expertise – cricket. Neha Bhasin opened up on her journey in the industry, the ups and downs, and spoke on personal instances that she’s never shared before. Vivek Agnihotri announced his web series and spoke on Kashmir files and the plight of Kashmiri Pandits. Well-known actor, Makarand Deshpande shed light on the future of theatre, his experience working with K.K. Menon, and a lot more. In light of the release of Rocketry, Nambi Narayanan shared his thoughts on R. Madhavan calling him a “God-sent man.”

“I appeared on the show Curtain Call on Khul Ke with moderator Prachi Sibal and enjoyed the experience. It is a great new platform to have and listen to conversations about the arts, especially theatre. A theatre show is good for the community and enables us all to share stories, talk about new work, and interact with each other. I wish Khul Ke a long and fruitful run in the social media space”, said Makarand Deshpande.

“One of the most intelligent, meaningful, and insightful discussions I have ever had. Sincere and honest to the core”, shared Vivek Agnihotri.

“My experience so far with Khul Ke has been hugely rewarding. The platform has easy-to-handle technology so important in putting guests and panelists at ease. The concept of free-flowing conversation across diverse sectors adds to the allure a d appeal of the site”, said Ayaz Memon.

Sharing his thoughts on the platform, Piyush Kulshreshtha, CEO and Founder, of Khul Ke, shared, It makes me happy to see that celebrities and public persons speak so openly on our platform because I usually see them speak in a very guarded manner on other platforms. They possibly speak so much more here in a single conversational event, than they speak in one year on any other platform.”

To share their thoughts, and join these discussions, users from all walks of life also have gotten a chance to speak with the big-wigs, as they could use the option – ‘wild card’ to participate. The platform is seen to be gaining great popularity and holds a promising future.