New Delhi: Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh often manages to stay in news for both right and wrong reasons. The ‘Ladies vs Ricky Bahl’ actor has once again grabbed eyeballs for his recent cameo appearance in the Netflix reality show ‘Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives’. Ranveer made a guest appearance in the final episode of the show when the wives paid him a visit on the sets of Karan Johar’s upcoming directorial ‘Rocky aur Rani ki Prem Kahani’. In the first season, the wives had talked about their fascination about the actor.  


In a clipping from the show that went viral on social media, Ranveer Singh can be seen making crass comments on wives as he calls them ‘MILFs’. He also glorified bodily objectification by saying that he loves being objectified and is like a piece of meat. “I am truly flattered. I love being objectified. I am just a piece of meat. Just a battery-operated device,” he said. He even placed his foot on Maheep’s lap and got a foot massage from her when he injured himself. 

This crass behaviour of the actor angered the netizens and they started bashing him for it. “This show is staged but why does he even agree to do all these stuff? It also contradicts with the image he is trying to sell over the years. It is embarassing. I think you need to step back and re-evaluate,” commented one user. 

People even said that such a behaviour is embarrassing for Deepika Padukone as a wife and a married man should not do this. “You see this act her by RS is exactly why I won't ever fall for how he treats DP in front of camera. It's nothing special to him. He behaves like this with or woman. It's embarrassing for her at this point. A whole married man doing this.. RK would never,” commented the user. 

Here's how the netizens reacted - 

‘Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives’ traces the luxurious and exotic lives of Sanjay Kapoor’s wife Maheep Kapoor, Samir Soni’s wife and actress Neelam Kothari Soni, Chunky Pandey’s wife Bhavna Pandey and Sohail Khan’s ex-wife Seema Kiran Sajdeh. The second season of the show premiered on September 2, 2022 on Netflix.