New Delhi: Television actor and producer Ravi Dubey recently took to social media and dropped a series of his pictures in a rugged desi avatar. Sporting an impressive beard and traditional attire, Dubey’s new look has garnered praise from fans.


On the work front, not many know that the actor played 11 different characters in 11 episodes of the popular series 'Matsya Kand'. He co-owns Dreamiyata Musiic with his wife Sargun Mehta.

The very first song released Ve Haaniyaan is all set to cross 100 million on social media.

Also, he recently announced that the film backed by him has won accolades internationally. He wrote on social media: "Happy to share our Zero budget film ‘TACIIT’ an initiative to create awareness for social justice for victims of domestic violence—has won two awards: one in the United Kingdom and one in India. Additionally, we received an official selection in Los Angeles." 

Taciit stars Ravi Dubey in lead role and has been directed by Sandy Singh.