New Delhi: After director Hansal Mehta, actress Richa Chadha has publicly come out in support of actress Shilpa Shetty amid her husband Raj Kundra's arrest. On Friday (July 30), Mehta had taken to Twitter to call out people for attacking Shilpa Shetty amid this difficult period in her life. Replying to this, Richa said that she feels that many individuals in the country have made it a national sport to blame women for the mistakes made by the men in their life. 


She wrote, "We've made a national sport out of blaming women for the mistakes of the men in their lives. Glad she's suing."

Check out her latest tweet:

Earlier Hansal Mehta had taken to Twitter and in a series of tweets, asked everyone to 'leave Shilpa Shetty alone, if you can't stand with her'.

Bombay High Court on Friday directed few media platforms to take down their contents while passing an interim order in the matter stating "No part of this shall be construed as a gag on media."

The High Court further said that news reports based on police sources cannot be termed as malicious and defamatory.

The actress had on Thursday filed a defamation suit in Bombay High Court against 29 media personnel and media houses accusing them of "false reporting and maligning her image" following the arrest of her husband Raj Kundra in a case connected with the creation and distribution of pornographic content.

For the unversed, Shilpa Shetty's husband Raj Kundra has been arrested in the case for alleged involvement in a case relating to the production of pornography.

Kundra was booked under IPC Sections 420 (cheating), 34 (common intention), 292 and 293 (related to obscene and indecent advertisements and displays), and relevant sections of the IT Act and the Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act.

(With ANI inputs)