New Delhi: The news of Bollywood's beloved Salman Khan getting bitten by a snake a day before his birthday left all his fans worried. Hindi cinema legend Dharmendra said that he was also extremely worried about Salman after he heard about his snake incident and called him up immediately. 


The veteran actor expressed that Salman is like a son to him and he wanted to wish him well on his birthday. Dharmendra tweeted this in response to a fan who requested the megastar to wish the Dabbang actor.

The fan said, "sir Salman Bhai ka Birthday wish kardo aap."

Dharmendra replied saying, "Malik, Salman is like a son to me…. He too have great love and respect for me . I always pray on his Birthday and wish him the Best . I got worried and called him  after the news of a snake bite . He is fit and fine."

Take a look at Dharmednra's tweet to which the fan replied:


For the unversed, Salman Khan was bitten by a snake in his farmhouse one day before his birthday. He was admitted to a hospital in Navi Mumbai but returned back to his farmhouse after receiving treatment.

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