Mumbai: Actor Arjun Kapoor has come out in support of Sanjay Leela Bhansali, whose magnum opus "Padmavati" is in trouble even before its release, saying the people need to have faith in the director's vision.


Bhansali released a video statement on the film's official Twitter account yesterday calling the Deepika Padukone-Shahid Kapoor-Ranveer Singh starrer his tribute to the "sacrifice, valour and honour" of Rani Padmavati.

Arjun defended the filmmaker in his tweet, "Yet again a man has to justify creativity because politics and propaganda create an ugly environment.

"He's a fantastic filmmaker his vision must be trusted. I'm sure Rani Padmavati and her story will be depicted with respect by him (and the actors)."

In his video appeal, Bhansali said rumours about a romantic dream sequence between Rani Padmavati (Padukone) and Alauddin Khil.

Various Rajput groups have accused the director of distorting historical facts.