New Delhi: Superstar Shah Rukh Khan's daughter Suhana is an avid social media user. Recently, she put up an Instagram story hitting out at misogyny with a tweet repost. She wrote 'double standards are scary' on the post. 


Here's a screengrab of the story: 

The post reads: "Misogyny is not only conscious hate towards women, it's also subconscious conditioned hateful behavior towards women. You don't have to consciously think you hate women but ask yourself why when a woman does something you feel more triggered than if it was done by a man."

Suhana Khan's cryptic post comes in at a time when a lot of debate is heating up social media over why only female actors are being targetted by the media in relation to the controversies surrounding narcotics use. Also, the witch-hunt allegations levelled by Rhea Chakraborty in the death case of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput has been questioned by some. 

Coming back to the young and pretty Suhana. Well, she is a popular star kid on social media. Her pictures and videos often break the internet. There are various fan pages dedicated to her as curiosity around her movie debut is high amongst followers. 

SRK and Gauri Khan's darling daughter headed to New York University last year where she is studying acting. She completed her graduation from Ardingly College in England.

Speculation of her making her starry entry into movie business has always been around and now that she is studying acting as a course, looks like very soon the pretty girl will be making her big-screen debut.

She has acted in several plays and also in a short movie.