New Delhi: Renowned sitarist Prateek Chaudhuri has passed away after COVID-related issues. He was 49. The death comes within a week of his father Pandit Debu Chaudhuri breathing his last on May 1, after being infected with the coronavirus. Prateek Chaudhuri's demise was confirmed on Friday evening on the official Twitter account of Ministry of Culture, government of India.


"We deeply mourn the sad demise of eminent sitarist Shri #PrateekChaudhuri. He was working in the Faculty of Music & Fine Arts, Delhi University as a Professor. May God give enough strength to the bereaved family to bear the irreparable loss and may the departed soul rest in peace," said a tweet by @MinOfCultureGoI.

Prateek Chaudhuri was reportedly admitted to Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital in the city and passed away on Thursday.