New Delhi: Bollywood lyricist Javed Akhtar recently spoke about the much controversial 'Azaan' row of Sonu Nigam. Akhtar reportedly stated that praying to god shouldn't disturb others. It is being said that he made these comments at the Dadasaheb Phalke Excellence Awards 2017 in Mumbai on Friday night.


"As far as I think, no matter if it's a Masjid, Mandir, Church or Gurudwara, whatever is the place, do your prayers, but it shouldn't disturb anyone else," the 72-year-old writer was quoted as saying.

For the unversed, the 43-year-old vocalist took the nation by storm after terming the practice of Azaan as "forced religiousness," on April 17.

His controversial tweets evoked a mixed response on the Internet and among every genre of people in the nation.

However, after being trolled mercilessly for his Twitter rant, the 'Kal Ho Naa Ho' singer spoke about the issue, saying, "When I am talking about Loudspeakers, I did mention Temples and Gurudwaras too."

(With inputs from agencies)