Mumbai: Ever since the loss of her mother Sridevi, Janhvi Kapoor has chosen the spiritual path to find peace. The Ulajh actress was seen visiting Tirupati Balaji Temple on her mother and Bollywood's most loved veteran actress Sridevi's 61st birth anniversary. Janhvi was seen along with her boyfriend Shikhar Pahariya who has been her constant, especially in her rough phase. The video of Janhvi is grabbing eyeballs where he is seen bowing her head down at the Balaji temple along with Shikhar, they both were dressed in Indian attire and it only shows how much Janhvi misses her mom and is doing everything that would bring a smile on her face.


Watch the video of Janhvi Kapoor visiting Tirupati Balaji Temple along with beau Shikhar Pahariya on Mother Sridevi's 61st birth anniversary.

The actress has been winning hearts and how with this gesture of her. Sridevi's untimely demise in 2018 left everyone shell-shocked and today even after 6 years of her death she is being dearly missed and celebrated by her family and fans.