New Delhi: Popular television actress Nidhi Bhanushali, who shot to fame as Sonu Bhide in Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah has a huge fan following. Even though she is no longer part of the show yet netizens address her as Sonu. 


She recently dropped a few pictures of her wearing a trendy bralette and pants with the cool hairdo. Nothing to see here, just a couple of mirror selfies and a new obsession, she captioned the post. 

Nidhi Bhanushali played Sonu's character on the show for the longest time but made an exit in 2019. She quit the show long back but still fans love to dig out information about her. 

The young actress made her TV debut with 'Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah'. She often drops stunning photos from her travel diary and lately has been donning a new hairstyle - dreadlocks. Her new look generated quite a buzz among fans online. 

'Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah', one of the top-rated and longest-running sitcoms on television, has also made Munmun Dutta aka Babita Ji a social media sensation. The popular sitcom first premiered in 2008 and has been going strong ever since.