Washington: Hollywood star Tom Cruise got a sneak peek at what it's like to circle Earth in a SpaceX capsule. The actor recently took part in a call with the company's four space tourists orbiting more than 360 miles up.


According To Fox News, representatives for SpaceX’s first privately chartered flight revealed on Friday about Cruise`s call. The conversation, between the actor and the space tourists, like the entire three-day flight, was private and hence no details were released.

"Maverick, you can be our wingman anytime," read the announcement from the flight`s Twitter feed. Cruise has starred as Navy pilot Pete `Maverick` Mitchell in the 1986 film `Top Gun`.

A sequel for the superhit movie will be coming out next year. Last year, NASA had confirmed it was in talks with Cruise about visiting the International Space Station for filming. SpaceX would provide the lift, as it does for NASA astronauts, and like it did on Wednesday night for the billionaire and Space X founder Elon Musk, who was up there with his two contest winners and a hospital worker.

As per Fox News, until this all-amateur crew, relatively few NASA astronauts have soared that high. The most recent were the shuttle astronauts who worked on the Hubble Space Telescope over multiple flights in the 1990s and 2000s.

Besides talking space with Cruise, the four capsule passengers chatted with young cancer patients. Hayley Arceneaux, a childhood cancer survivor, led the conversation from orbit with patients from the hospital that saved her life almost 20 years ago, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.