New Delhi: On the occasion of Mother`s Day on Sunday, veteran actor Hema Malini treated us to some throwback pictures of herself with her mom Jaya Chakravarthy. Rarely have we seen Hema Malini and Jaya Chakravarthy together and hence, these pictures are just priceless. “A day for us to recall with love & gratitude all that our mothers have done for us,” the 71-year-old actress captioned one of her posts.


In the monochrome picture, a young Hema Malini is seen sporting a traditional Bharatanatyam attire and is affectionately hugging her mother. “This is a treasured file photo of me & my mom,” she added.

Take a look:

The second post included a set of pictures of Hema with Jaya Chakravarthy and daughters Esha and Ahana Deol. The evergreen star took a walk down the memory lane to share photos of Esha and Ahana as little girls. One of them is a picture of the three generations - baby Esha cradled in Hema Malini’s arms while her nani looks at them.

“Glimpses of the past,” she captioned her post.

Esha was quick to note the special post and commented, "Love u my mamma", along with a heart and hugging emoticon.

Hema Malini is married to veteran star Dharmendra since 1979. Esha and Ahana are their two daughters. The couple recently celebrated their 41st wedding anniversary. Esha is an actress like her parents while Ahana chose to stay away fom showbiz.