New Delhi: Megastar Chiranjeevi sent his good wishes to actor Sanjay Dutt, who was recently diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer. Chiranjeevi shared an old picture of himself hugging Sanjay Dutt and wrote, "Dearest Sanjay Dutt bhai, pained to know you are confronted with this health situation. But you are a fighter & have vanquished many crises over the years. Have no doubts you will come out of this with flying colors too. All our love and prayers for your speedy recovery."


Sanjay Dutt was diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer on Tuesday. He is expected to fly abroad for treatment soon.

The 61-year-old actor was hospitalised over the weekend due to breathing problems. He was discharged from the hospital on Monday. Later, he revealed that he is taking a sabbatical from work for medical treatment. However, he didn't reveal about his ailment. 

A day later, Sanjay Dutt's wife Maanayata issued a statement thanking his fans for their well-wishes for the actor's speedy recovery and urged people "not fall prey to speculations and unwarranted rumours". 

On the work front, Sanjay Dutt will be next seen in 'Sadak 2', also starring Alia Bhatt and Aditya Roy Kapur. He also has 'Torbaaz', 'KGF: Chapter 2', 'Bhuj: The Pride Of India' and 'Shamshera' in the pipeline.