New Delhi: A viral message is doing the rounds in the social media that says that the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) claims to offer Rs 4 crores 62 lakhs to people on payment of Rs 12,500.


In the viral message that purportedly is being sent by the RBI via an email. It says that the Foreign Remittance Department Online Banking unit has identified the reciever of the email as per their file records and asks them to pay Rs 12,500 for which they would get a fund of Rs 4.62 lakh.

PIB has tweeted:

Meanwhile, the PIB has redirected netizens towards an RBI page that states, The Reserve Bank of India never "contacts the public via unsolicited phone calls or emails asking for money or any other type of personal information. The Reserve Bank does not maintain/give money/foreign currency or any other type of funds to individual or opens accounts for/in the name of individuals. The Reserve Bank has urged the public to remain alert and not to fall prey to frauds or scams perpetrated by individuals who impersonate to be employees of the Reserve Bank of India."

The only official and genuine website of the Reserve Bank of India is ( and the public may be careful and not get misled by fake websites with similar addresses beginning with ‘Reserve Bank’, ‘RBI’, etc., along with fake logos.

Inform local police or cyber crime authority about such frauds.

The Reserve Bank of India has, on several occasions in the past, cautioned the members of public not to fall prey to fictitious offers / lottery winnings / remittance of cheap funds in foreign currency from abroad by so-called foreign entities/ individuals or to Indian residents acting as representatives of such entities/individuals.

How to get messages fact-checked by PIB

If you get any such suspicious message, you can always know its authenticity and check if the news is for real or it is a fake news. For that, you need to send the message to Alternatively you can send a WhatsApp message to +918799711259 for fact check. You can also send your message to The fact check information is also available on