
Horoscope Today, December 28 by Astro Sundeep Kochar: Aquarius, be careful today!

Daily horoscope predictions: Check out the astrology forecast for all 12 zodiac signs by ace astrologer Dr Sundeep Kochar. As you begin a new journey, find out what the stars have in store for you today. There are twelve zodiac signs and each has its distinct features. Be it, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces — each of the signs has something unique to tell. 

The astrological predictions are by Dr Sundeep Kochar.

(Pics courtesy: Representational photos)



Everything is possible. You’re feeling a little pessimistic today aren’t you? But what’s the need to be pessimistic? Everything is working out perfectly for you, and things are lining up exactly how you want them to. You are going to be respected at work. Your finances are looking good. And your love life is going to take a turn for the better. Stay positive. 




Today is a great day to experiment. If you’ve been looking forward to trying something but have been too scared to do it, then today is a good day to get your hands dirty and try something new. It’s going to work out in your favour because you’ll end up finding things about yourself that you didn’t know. And who knows, you might just pick up a new interest. 




You’ll find yourself drawn to extraordinary things today, and this will make you want to try them  out. However, you will soon figure out that your comfort zone is the best space for you. There’s no need for you to do things for the sake of being adventurous. If being comfortable and sticking to what you know makes you happy, then that’s what you should do.



Your work pressure might build up an irritability in your sense for your partner. Take deep breaths and don’t let yourself get irked quickly. Try to leave work at the office, and focus on your partner at home. Make sure you don’t make your partner feel neglected due to your busy schedule. Plan out your day and balance work and personal life. 



Be careful about what you say to others today. Your tongue is going to be sharper than ever and people might get hurt by your words. If you have something to say, then make sure you say it in an easy way and let your friends and family down easily. Not everyone thinks like you and that’s okay. You just need to accept that others might have a different opinion than you.



Today is going to be a busy one for you. Even though you might not have any work priorities, you will be completely caught up with your family and friends. It’s a good day to reconnect with them and spend some time out of your career zone. Your finances look pretty good today, so feel free to splurge on something you’ve been wanting for a while.



If you think you’re going to have workday blues, think again. Unlike all other days, today, you’re going to have a lot of energy. This is going to help you at your workplace. Take a step forward and volunteer for any new projects that are put across. At the end of the day, spend some time taking care of your health. Meditate, work out, and make sure to eat healthily. 



Confidence is going to get you through everything today. At work, you will want to take the lead, so go for it. It’s also a good day to learn something new, so find something to learn. This could be a new skill, or you might even want to pick up an online course. If your urge to travel increases, keep in mind that health is important right now, so it’s better to stay put.



Today is the day to keep your dominance aside and be of assistance to those around you. Your intelligence and intuition might be needed at your workplace, or even around friends and family. Make sure to share your opinion, but do it in a subtle way. 



The passion you’ve been waiting for in your love life is going to find its way to you today. You don’t like to get into serious relationships unless they’re truthful and passionate. This won’t be a point of worry today as whoever enters your life is going to have pure intentions towards you. Open yourself up to them.




Be careful today. Have a clear focus on what you want, especially if it involves partnering up with someone. If you’re into business then today is a good day for you to go ahead and take risks as they will work out in your favour. However, remember to be clear about what you want as your words might be misunderstood.



Your monetary position is going to be very good today. You might end up finding money around your house, and you might also be up for a bonus at work. Today, someone you weren’t expecting in your life will show interest in you romantically. Before you jump into the love train, find out everything about this person so you don’t end up getting hurt.