
Horoscope Today, December 29 by Astro Sundeep Kochar: Luck is on your side, Taurus!

Daily horoscope predictions: Check out the astrology forecast for all 12 zodiac signs by ace astrologer Dr Sundeep Kochar. As you begin a new journey, find out what the stars have in store for you today. There are twelve zodiac signs and each has its distinct features. Be it, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces — each of the signs has something unique to tell. 

The astrological predictions are by Dr Sundeep Kochar.

(Pics courtesy: Representational photos)



Things are looking very good in your love life today. The person you have feelings for is going to show you that they like you just as much. If you’re taken, you’re going to receive a surprise from your partner, which will make your day very happy.



Work might be a little stressful for you today, but that’s only because you haven’t been able to understand what is the most important task.  But oh, the romantic sphere is looking up. You might want to step out of your comfort zone and meet new people. Luck is definitely by your side, but that doesn’t mean you overspend. Try only spending on necessities only and things will go great. 




Today is an auspicious day for you to make any big decisions. If you’re looking to buy a property or invest in something, then it’s good that you do it today. The cards are working towards you and it’s a good day to do something big, especially financially. If you want to tell someone something, then it’s a great time to do that as well as all the positivity is roaming around you. Luck is surely by your side today.



Don’t be afraid to stand out. You have some great tricks up your sleeve. Remember to show them off and take full credit for them. You might feel weird being the center of attention, but sometimes it’s good to have that position as it will help you step out of your comfort zone and make you do new things.




Unexpected good news is coming your way. You’ve been in a weird position lately, where you haven’t received good news, but nothing bad is going on either. However, today you’ll receive some good news which will change your mood completely. Be ready for this because your day is about to get better.




Today is a happy day for you. Losses are going to turn into profits, dislikes will turn into likes, and if you’ve had your eye on a certain someone, they’re going to come to you themselves. There’s a trick though, you have to stay positive! Keep up the positive spirit today, and you’ll see the universe do wonders for you.



It’s time to think about your future today. Where do you want to be after 5 years? Pick a notebook and write your thoughts down, then start working towards them. You will receive a pat on the back at the office for doing some great work recently. Your spouse/partner is also going to appreciate you more than usual today, as your efforts are finally going to come to notice. 




Weird things might happen today and whatever you’ve been hoping for will fall into place. This might leave you in some type of shock, but this is how things were meant to be. Don’t think too much about it and just accept the good that is coming to you. You deserve it after so many months of hard work and things not falling into place for you. 




Focus on building a stronger relationship with your family members today. It’s been a while since people have heard from you, and today is a good day to get in touch. Try to spend some time learning something new as well. This could be a new skill, a new device, or even the urge to expand your education. 




You might be changing your plans from what you had originally thought to do today. Don’t let this intimidate you. Instead, go ahead and take this new plan to higher heights. This might be your actual calling and could be something you love to do. Keep your spirits up high and don’t give up hope. 




Your partner will be the most supportive person in your life today. Don’t push them away. Instead, be happy that they are beside you even in your tough times. Appreciate their presence and be certain that things will get sorted as long as you have each other. Work-wise, things are hard, but all you need to do is have some faith. Meditate and calm your mind, things will get better.



Your sense of what’s right and wrong isn’t very strong today. It’s going to be hard for you to figure out what’s right and what isn’t - so it’s best not to pounce on anyone today. Stay inside, and keep your opinions to yourself. You might not find other people very appealing today, so it’s best to stay away. Instead of spending time with family, try to take a solo drive. In fact, see if you can work from home today as well.