
Horoscope Today, January 6 By Astrologer Sundeep Kochar: Cancer, Take Advantage Of Your Strong Instincts

Daily Horoscope Predictions: Check out the astrology forecast for all 12 zodiac signs by ace astrologer Dr Sundeep Kochar. As you begin a new journey, find out what the stars have in store for you today. There are twelve zodiac signs and each has its distinct features. Be it Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, or Pisces — each of the signs has something unique to tell. 

The astrological predictions are by Dr Sundeep Kochar.



Be bold and loud today. Your energy is at its peak today and the spotlight is going to be on you completely. Today brings out your lively side, and why would you want to hide that from people? Dress up, go out and show yourself off today. It’s very rare that you get to be in the spotlight, so take advantage of this. People are definitely going to stop and stare at you. In a good way though. 



Your happiness is going to be in your work today. Everything you do is going to be appreciated by people around you. You might find it hard to handle your business, and you might have doubts about yourself. But people are seeing your success and it’s being appreciated. 



Today you’re going to find yourself getting into a very beneficial partnership. You’re going to be all up for teamwork. Remember to consider other people’s opinions, as sometimes you tend to get a little bossy. It’s best to listen to everyone today, before shelling out your thoughts. Your ideas and thoughts will definitely be accepted, you just need to hear everyone out first. 



You’re going to feel like you’re psychic today. Everything you think of is going to present itself in front of you. Your instincts are playing the strong card today, and that’s why you feel like you know what’s going to happen next. Take advantage of your strong instincts and plan your day out carefully. Make sure you don’t get into trouble to hinder your relationships with others.



Your relationships at both work and in your personal life are going to take a turn for the good today. You might be feeling that someone is always wearing the pants, but today that’s going to be balanced. Your partner is going to respect your choices and decisions, and they’re also going to expect you to respect theirs. No matter how much you believe in your ideas, remember to always take suggestions for a smooth relationship.



It’s a cleansing day for you today. You’re going to be inspired to clean and cleanse everything around you. This could be your room, your office space, or even your mind. A lot is going on everywhere around you and you need to organise and sort things out or else you’re going to feel messed up. You want to feel calm and peaceful, and organisation is the key to that. 



Stop being so modest Libra and flaunt what you got. It’s good to be modest, but it’s not good to let others take credit for what you do. Make sure you draw a fine line between being humble and getting taken advantage of. Most people will mistake your humbleness for not wanting any credit and will take advantage of you. Make sure you show people what you’re up to. 



Home is where the heart is. If you haven’t seen your family in a while and haven’t gone home, then today is the day to do that. You’ve been feeling quite worked up lately, and spending some time with family is going to help sort it all out. You’re going to feel in your comfort zone and safe when you’re around family. Try to get in that zone today, it will make you feel better. 



Today it’s your day to stay low-key. You’re someone who always likes being under the spotlight, and usually you get that attention too. But today, it’s best if you stay away from all the attention. People are going to look to point out your flaws today, and this will affect your confidence. But don’t give that any attention, and try not to be the centre of attention. 



Is there someone in your life you’re not giving attention to? This person is craving your attention, and remember that they were there for you in your tough times. Reach out to friends you haven’t spoken to in a while to remind them that you’re still there for them and that you’re open to reconnecting with them. It’s important to have people around you, don’t be alone Cap. 



You’re ready to take on the world today. You’re beaming with confidence, and that’s something that hasn’t come to you so easily lately. Enjoy this day of confidence. Wear the clothes you’ve been too scared to wear, do things which you haven’t been able to do due to lack of confidence. Enjoy today and step out of your comfort zone to have some fun. 



Time to escape reality. With the stars aligning in your favour, you’re going to receive a break you’ve been waiting for. A lot of responsibilities are going to be taken away from you and you’re going to have time to do things you like to do. Take a trip somewhere away from where you are right now. Escape reality, have some fun and enjoy your day.