
Photo Gallery: Daily Horoscope: Find out what the stars have in store for you - December 10, 2018


You may be rewarded or recognised for your achievements. Your methodical approach will result in success in your professional pursuits. Try to be active and work responsibly. Take some bold decisions to weed out impeders at your workplace.


Travel is in cards. Romance is in air and success in career for those who have worked sincerely towards it. Try not to short cut in any areas as it may back fire you. Be calm and composed. Your opponents will be in awe with you today.


You will be centre of attention. Opposite sex will be closer to you and you may be involved in some romantic liaisons. Travel is on cards. A general dissatisfaction in your outlook and a distracted mood throughout the day may keep you mentally busy.


Your patience and perseverance will be tested today. Avoid being lazy and be careful while driving. You may need to use your diplomatic charm to overcome conflicts today. Share your emotions with your loved ones as they are pillar of your strength. Meditate to find inner peace. Be careful in your investments and do not risk any new venture today.


Members of the opposite sex may create troubles and be careful do not take for granted. Be nice to the opposite sex in the workplace and avoid unnecessary quarrels. You have much bigger things to focus on. You are expected to problems in financial gains. Be careful if you are dealing or investing in real estates, vehicles today.



Carefully judge before planning any venture. Your steadfast approach and eye for detail may be useful in overcoming challenges today. People will understand your decisions at the end of the day and will rally behind you. Your children will be your source of joy.


There is a chance of some sudden events happening today and enjoy and take it in stride on whatever the outcome. Take decisions carefully and maximise returns with matters that are finance related.


Take decisions wisely and be confident in handling all obstacles in work. Overwork may result in fatigue, stomach disorders and focus on your health. Happiness in domestic fronts and satisfaction in work may be an order of the day. Enjoy while it last.


Take advice from your elders especially from your father. You may need all advise from them that will helps you to be grounded. Enjoy the fortune and success today and do not allow success to go over your head.


You may appear to face uncertainties and sudden upheavals in all your undertakings. Some may not be bad at all. This state will not be for long You may be recognised for your unconventional ideas today and you can make a mark of your own today. People will look at you and seek direction.


You will start a new venture with some influential people. Enjoy the peaceful romance with your loved ones. It may turn out to be a lucky day and you may gain financially and win over your enemies. You may go be packing your bags for a travel and be away from family


You will gain financially and success with minimal obstacles. Manage your romantic liaison and try not to get carried away. Keep up the hard work and you will feel surge in optimism. Just be careful with indigestion and health-related matters.