
Photo Gallery: Find out what stars have in store for you today—March 1, 2019



There will be an active interest in parental responsibilities, and you are eager to prove to family members your loyalty and dedication. You have the capability to teach others the skills to be self-reliant, as well as provide them with the proper tools to succeed in the outside world.



It is likely you will have enough energy and motivation to carry out your desires and ambitions. However, the urge to work independently or without much involvement with other people may be very strong now. Although this may be a productive period in which you can accomplish a great deal, it is still important to maintain close ties and relationships with others.


Daily responsibilities can be successfully accomplished through increased dedication to your job. You can make some effective changes in your work environment as superiors and co-workers are more likely to accept your ideas and methods. Contracts and agreements are also favoured now.



Good humour and optimism prevail now, and you can get a larger perspective on your life. This is also an appropriate time to approach someone who can benefit you spiritually, intellectually, or materially. Loved ones may demand more attention from you now.




Now is the time to seek out more creative outlets, more exciting and interesting work. If you’re current work is boring and tedious, now is the time when you can break free from this inertia. The improvements may come in the form of promotions that provide greater freedom and creativity, transfers to a more liberal and progressive area, or a complete job change. Search out opportunities for more interesting and exciting work because the benefits do not always fall in your lap.



Lounging around at home and relaxing or perhaps unwinding at the beach or lake appeals to you. If you are normally very high-strung, then take advantage of this time to recuperate, relax, and rejuvenate. If you normally tend to be lethargic, then try to maintain at least a modest activity level by going for walks or bicycling, for example, during this time.




You can favourably influence a domestic situation through giving wise counsel and loving concern to your mate, children, and other loved ones. Someone you care for may also be more helpful at this time or attentive to your needs. They can give you encouragement to take the personal initiative on new interests you wish to explore.



Your relationship will be emotionally satisfying to you, and there will be opportunities to grow closer to each other through expressing your deepest feelings. Although there is a protective quality about the relationship now, you can rely upon your partner to be trustworthy, devoted and appreciative toward you.



You may have difficulty applying your intelligence and will in situations which require clear thinking and productivity. Creative projects or analytical work is most likely impaired, perhaps through inadequate planning, or obstacles brought on by superiors or those in authority.



You easily receive help and cooperation through close associates, especially women, in fulfilling your creative visualizations. Your intuition can benefit you greatly, perhaps by an inner knowledge of the right time to approach others with your talents. Receiving an award or promotion for your efforts is possible.



If you are employed, you may have to modify or reorganize your current business affairs and responsibilities. There can be difficulties brought on by a heavy work load and an inability to perceive solutions to the challenges you encounter. This period may require adjustments to new conditions in your work environment.



A get-together with friends now is likely to end up being a serious discussion of work and responsibilities, which is not bad if this is what you want. However, too many entertainments currently actually irritate you, as you are unable to forget about the pressures and concerns that need your attention.