Lambi: Accusing the Congress Party of indulging in vendetta politics, Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal on Sunday rubbished the baseless allegations being levelled by the opposition and said that the Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD)-Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) alliance will form the next government in Punjab."Our campaigning is going on in full swing.


Me and Sukhbir have attended all the major rallies. The people are very much excited.

The people want peace which even the BJP-SAD wants.

Our cadre is very strong. Earlier also, we formed our government and even now we will do the same," Badal told ANI in an exclusive interview.

"We have always done what the party has said.

The party is supreme.

We lead all the battles which are in the interest of the nation," he added.Talking about the progress in agriculture, the Chief Minister said that his government has done everything possible for this sector.

Rebuffing the opposition`s assertion of drug menace in the state, he said, "Drugs are exported from outside.

These are baseless allegations. Heroin comes from Afghanistan.

Drugs are not here. They are not made here...even if you make any issue.

"All 117 constituencies in Punjab will vote on February 4 and the results will be announced on March 11.