It's that time of the year again where Indian streets will be adorned like a bride and country will again hear chants like 'Ganpati Bappa Morya' for the first time after the Covid-19 pandemic. Though Indian Railways has commenced various special trains to manage the passenger rush and give them the comfort and convenience, but IRCTC had to cancel over 150 trains on August 31 due to operational and maintenance works on the railway tracks. A total of 191 fully or partially trains were cancelled today by the zones of Indian Railways due to operational and maintenance works on tracks. 


152 trains were fully cancelled, meanwhile 39 trains were partially cancelled on Ganesh Chaturthi 2022 by IRCTC. Trains departing from various cities like Gorakhpur, Lucknow, Kanpur, New Delhi, Ratnagiri, Gandhinagar, Madgaon, Rampur, Moradabad, Pathankot, Kathgodam, Ramnagar, Guwahati, Sitapur, Gonda, amongst others were cancelled. This comes a day after IRCTC cancelled over 170 trains on August 30. 

Check the full list of IRCTC's cancelled trains here:

Also read: Pakistan floods: Railway services disrupted in Balochistan for 10 days, train ops reaches ‘dead end’

Passengers are requested to check their train's status before setting out for journey. Many trains have been diverted to, leading to change in sourced stations. Passengers can check the staus of their trains on the NTES website. The website shows all updates on the cancelled trains, scheduled timings of the trains or any changes with the source station.