Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the grand railway station and airport being built in Ayodhya on December 30. The Prime Minister will also oversee the preparations done in Ayodhya for the grand inauguration of Ram Mandir on January 22, 2024. After inaugurating the rail station and airport, the Prime Minister will conduct a roadshow and address a public gathering, informed Gaurav Dayal, Commissioner of Ayodhya. "The PM will show a green flag to the rails. After that, PM Modi will address the public meeting on the ground next to the airport. He will travel from the airport to the railway station so it will be in the form of a roadshow. Arrangements are being made to welcome him," he said.


Preparations for the inauguration of the Ram Mandir on January 22 are in full swing. The Indian Railways has announced to run more than 1000 trains from different parts of the country to accommodate citizens visiting Ayodhya during the first 100 days of the Ram Mandir.

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From cleaning and painting to the construction of the railway station being built in the shape of a temple of Prabhu Shri Ram of Ayodhya, the construction is almost on its final touch.

The grand railway station will comprise lifts, a tourist information centre, medical facilities. All types of extensive preparations are being completed.

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Refurbished platforms, new signboards, escalators, and murals of Lord Ram painted on walls--these and many more would be the features of the Ayodhya railway station after the ongoing revamp.

This railway station is said to have as much mythological importance as much as it is modern. It is built like a grand temple from outside and is equipped with equally modern facilities from inside.

Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath is also revieweing the preparations being done for the inaugural ceremony of the Ayodhya Ram temple.

"The airport and the railway station which has been prepared in the first phase is going to be inaugurated on 30th December. According to estimates, after January 22, approximately 50,000-55,000 people will come to Ayodhya daily and the administration is busy preparing for the same," Gaurav Dayal said.

Children dressed as characters from the Ramayana went door-to-door in Ayodhya to invite people for the consecration ceremony.

Meanwhile, BJP has decided to run a campaign for Ram Mandir celebrations starting January 1, in which BJP workers will go door to door in all the villages across the country and encourage ten crore families to participate in Diya Lightning programs for Ram Temple in Ayodhya.