New Delhi: After having received a phenomenal response for its Tamil version, the rising demand for the film led to compelling the makers to release Nayanthara starrer Tamil horror thriller film 'Connect' in Hindi which has eventually made its name count among one of the biggest Hindi releases coming from the South this year. While the audience has seen a flood of South Indian blockbusters films setting up their charm all across the globe, with the kind of response 'Connect' is receiving from the audience, it seems like it is yet another film that is all set to create a rage in the Hindi market with its release on 30th December. 


With films like KGF, Kantara, RRR, Vikram, and Pushpa, the south Indian film industry has left everyone impressed with their mind-blowing content. Be it winning the hearts of the audience to creating records at the box office, south Indian films have profoundly booked their mark all across the world.

Now, as Nayanthara's 'Connect' is all set for its release in the Hindi market on 30th December, it seems like yet another film that is about to create an example of its success with its release.  While the audience saw the films winning the hearts of the audience with their different kind of genres, 'Connect' is one of its types of horror thriller films that the audience will witness after a long time in the theaters. 

Produced by Vignesh Shivan under Rowdy Pictures, 'Connect' is directed by Ashwin Saravanan. The film stars Nayanthara, Sathyaraj, Anupam Kher, and Vinay Rai. The film is written by Ashwin Saravanan and Kaavya Ramkumar and has been released in Tamil, Telugu, and Malayalam on 22nd December and will be released on 30th December in Hindi.