New Delhi: South actress Niharika Konidela and Chaitanya JV's wedding ceremony in Udaipur is hogging the limelight since a couple of days and why not, the top celebs of the Telugu film industry are attending it. Niharika hails from a prominent film family - she is the daughter of actor-producer Nagendra Babu, niece of megastars Chiranjeevi and Pawan Kalyan and her cousins are actors Ram Charan and Allu Arjun. 


All the stars landed in Udaipur on Monday while Pawan Kalyan added stardust to the function on Tuesday. He is accompanied by his son Akira Nandan, who is also stealing the spotlight. 

It was Niharika Konidela and Chaitanya JV's mehendi ceremony last night and pictures from the rituals are all over the internet. Akira, too, took part in the festivities looking dapper in a red kurta and jeans. 

"The League of the Extraordinary Gentlemen," Nagendra Babu shared on Instagram, which comprises of a picture of all the men in the family. 

Here are the photos from the pre-wedding ceremonies:

Niharika Konidela and Chaitanya JV will marry later today in Udaipur.