Hyderabad: "RRR" star Ram Charan is set to collaborate with Buchi Babu Sana of "Upenna" fame for a film, the makers announced on Monday. Billed as a "pan-India entertainer", the upcoming movie will be produced by Vriddhi Cinemas and Sukumar Writings, owned by "Pushpa: The Rise" director Sukumar.


Mythri Movie Makers, the banner behind hit films such as the Ram Charan-starrer "Rangasthalam", "Upenna" and "Pushpa: The Rise", will present the project.

"Sometimes, Revolt becomes a necessity. Mega Power Star @AlwaysRamCharan & Sensational director @BuchiBabuSana team up for a powerful subject and a Pan India entertainer. #RamCharanRevolts Produced by @vriddhicinemas & @SukumarWritings Presented by @MythriOfficial," the production house said in a tweet.

"Excited about this !! Looking forward to working with @BuchiBabuSana & the entire team. @vriddhicinemas @SukumarWritings #VenkataSatishKilaru @MythriOfficial," said Ram Charan on Twitter.

Sana will also write the film, which is produced by Venkata Satish Kilaru.