New Delhi: Actor-director Rishab Shetty took over the world of cinema single-handedly after the multifold success of Kantara last year and showcased to us how a small-budget film, with strong storytelling and stellar performance, can achieve unbelievable success. Today, his co-star from the film Kantara, Sapthami Gowda turns a year older and the superstar took to social media to wish her. 


He wrote: “Happy birthday to our Leela, Wishing you another year filled with remarkable success & happiness.”

Kantara became a global box office phenomenon with fans hailing the storytelling and powerful act. Rishab demonstrated the power of good content that can transcend everyone and is always adored by the audience by bringing a narrative from the heartlands of India. 

Meanwhile, Shetty is looking forward to taking the audience back to the roots with the prequel in line with Kantara.