New Delhi: After a long wait, the eagerly anticipated teaser of Prashanth Neel's directorial Salaar Part 1: CEASEFIRE starring Prabhas has finally been released. The makers had piqued the excitement by announcing the teaser's arrival at 5:12 AM and as expected, it delivers glimpses of the edgy thrilling action. Packed with powerful dialogues, the truly amazing and most violent teaser has successfully shown that this high-budget 'Indian Film' is set to break records and it's just the beginning. 



Coming from the house of the biggest action director Prashanth Neel who is the name behind the biggest blockbuster KGF, the director has created a new world that could lead to many sequels in the future establishing a legacy of its own. Well-studded with the massive scale and ensemble cast, the makers have only treated us with some eye-capturing glimpses in the most violent teaser, while they have held back all of the major content only for the main theatrical trailer, which will be out soon. 

Salaar Part 1: CEASEFIRE is an upcoming Indian film that brings together the dream team of renowned director Prashanth Neel and superstar Prabhas for the first time. This mega project is produced by Vijay Kiragandur of Hombale Films, the makers of the successful KGF franchise, and features the same technical team from the KGF series. 


The film promises to deliver a grandeur that has never been witnessed before on the big screen, with a staggering 14 massive sets constructed in and around Ramoji Film City.

Hombale Films' Salaar features a stellar ensemble cast including Prabhas, Prithviraj Sukumaran, Shruti Haasan, and Jagapathi Babu. Directed by Prashanth Neel, the highly anticipated film is scheduled to hit theatres on September 28, 2023, in 5 languages including Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil, and Hindi.

With a staggering budget, Salaar Part 1: CEASEFIRE stands tall among the biggest Indian films ever made, paralleling renowned blockbusters like Baahubali and the KGF series. The makers have left no stone unturned in creating an unparalleled visual spectacle, enlisting the expertise of foreign studios and accomplished stuntmen to deliver high-end VFX and breathtaking action sequences.