New Delhi: Flight Engineers Drew Feustel and Ricky Arnold of NASA and cosmonaut Oleg Artemyev of Roscosmos arrived at the International Space Station (ISS) on March 23, 2018.


The three new members joined the Expedition 55 crew members, Scott Tingle of NASA, Commander Anton Shkaplerov of Roscosmos and Norishige Kanai of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency who are already aboard the space station. The trio will spend more than five months aboard the space station.

The Soyuz MS-08 spacecraft docked to Poisk module of the space station at 3:40 pm EDT, on March 23 while both spacecraft were flying over Serbia.

The six members of the Expedition 55/56 will conduct about 250 science investigations in fields such as biology, Earth science, human research, physical sciences and technology development. They will also oversee the arrival and departure of uncrewed cargo spacecraft ferrying supplies and science equipment to and from the ground.