New Delhi: Addressing the Media after the successful launch of South Asia Satellite, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said that India has fulfilled its promises. The PM said that the coming together of the all the SAARC nations except Pakistan is a sign of unshakeble resolve to look after the needs of the people above everything.


Precisely at 4.57 p.m., the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV-F09) lifted off from the second launch pad at Satish Dhawan Space Centre at the spaceport in Andhra Pradesh.

The project, proposed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, that aims to benefit all the countries from the region, features seven out of eight SAARC nations.

PM Modi further expressed his gratitude to fellow leaders from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Maldives & Sri Lanka for joining him to celebrate this launch.

 Few other leaders from SAARC nations congratulated India on this feat and said hat this is a progressive step and will definitely boost regional cooperation. Here are the tweets:

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina congratulated the Government of India for this space advancement and said that it will open new doors of cooperation in the region.